The Greatest Guide To Do My Rstudio Homework

If waitSemaphoreValueCount isn't 0, and pWaitSemaphoreValues is not really NULL, pWaitSemaphoreValues should be a sound pointer to an array of waitSemaphoreValueCount uint64_t values

Every pNext member of any construction (such as this one) inside the pNext chain needs to be both NULL or simply a pointer to a valid instance of VkRenderPassFragmentDensityMapCreateInfoEXT, VkRenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo, or VkRenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo

Host use of the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allotted from need to be externally synchronized

pImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfo needs to be a legitimate pointer to a sound VkImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKHR composition

Host entry to the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allotted from have to be externally synchronized

If colorAttachmentCount is not really 0, and pResolveAttachments is just not NULL, pResolveAttachments needs to be a valid pointer to an assortment of colorAttachmentCount legitimate VkAttachmentReference buildings

Each aspect of pCommandBuffers That may be a legitimate take care of ought to are designed, allotted, or retrieved from commandPool

If initialDataSize is not 0, pInitialData have to be a sound pointer to an array of initialDataSize bytes

Host use of the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from needs to be externally synchronized

Host use of the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from needs to be externally synchronized

Host entry to the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allocated from have to be externally synchronized

If the worth referenced by pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount will not be 0, and pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties view will Visit Website not be NULL, pPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties must be a sound pointer to an assortment of pPhysicalDeviceGroupCount VkPhysicalDeviceGroupProperties structures

If pAllocator isn't NULL, pAllocator have to be a legitimate pointer to a sound VkAllocationCallbacks composition

Host entry to the VkCommandPool that commandBuffer was allotted from have to be externally synchronized

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